Thank you so much, SSC, for sharing your story with me in such detail and with such emotion. I’m not in a position to comment on the specifics of your circumstances, as only you know the details intimately enough to do so. Having said that, I’d like to humbly mention three things: 1) I know this is much easier said than done, but each one of us, myself included, must try to find a healthy balance between shirking responsibility and avoiding making amends for our wrongdoings on the one hand and endlessly punishing ourselves and living with ceaseless regret on the other—neither extreme is healthy or productive; 2) I believe sometimes we have to personally experience incredibly challenging situations in order to develop a visceral understanding of what we want/need to change about ourselves and the reasons why; and 3) once more, thank you sincerely for sharing your experience with me. I wish you and your loved ones the best of luck going forward ❤